PT208 - George Gill Range in the Watarrka National Park near Kings Canyon.
Acrylic Painting on Canvas stretcher frame mounted 25x71 cm.
Price $450.00 SOLD
PT203 Spinifex Pidgeon
Petrophassa plumifera
Native to the Spinifex Country of Central & Northern Australia
Acrylic Painting on Canvas
Stretcher Frame Mounted 71x56cm
Price $2300.00 (Aus.)
Eucalyptus globulus
Painting Water Colour 36x50cm
Unframed in Mount 54x69 cm
Price $2000.00 (Aus.)
Gossypium sturtianum
Painting Water Colour 25x34cm
Unframed in Mount 38x48 cm
Price $950.00 (Aust.)
PT206 - Bean Tree Design
Original Acrylic Painting size 51x72
Inspired by the Bean Tree Seeds see example card page
Price: Canvas Only $500 On stretcher frame $560
PT205 - Stanley Chasm West Mcdonnell Ranges
Acrylic Canvas Stretcher Frame 40x71 cm - To view click image.
PT204 Major Mitchell Cockatoo
Cacatua leadbeateri
Found in the Northern half of Australia mainly in the semi arid areas.
Acrylic Painting Stretcher frame mounted 71x56 cm
PT2209 - Entrance to Kings Canyon in the Watarrka National Park.
Acrylic Painting on Canvas Stretcher Mounted.
Price $850.00 (Aud)